Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence of 2019

On July 4th and 5th of 2019, a series of earthquakes hit the California Ridgecrest area, according to the USGS. A series of signficant foreshocks and aftershocks hit over the two day period. Additionally minor aftershocks were felt for weeks. Minor damage was reported. A few small fires were reported due to this sizeable shake. One person died.

There were three main shocks: a 6.4, a 5.4 and the largest of the magnitude readings was 7.1. A 7.0 earthquake is considered very significant. Power was cut to sizeable portion of the local population. Over 1400 aftershocks additionally were measured over a two week period. Wikipedia states that over 30 Million people felt the main earthquake shock and that it was felt as Far North as San Francisco, Far South as Baja California, and into Nevada and Arizona. There is a very sizeable region for a quake.

According to the Desert News: “around 20 injuries were reported from shattered glass and falling debris, gas lines broke, businesses suffered product loss and several apartment buildings were evacuated; 1 person died in Pahrump, Nevada when a jeep he was working on collapsed on top of him. Overall damage was estimated to exceed $5.3 billion.

The area around Ridgecrest is known for earthquake activity. This area is known as a seimically active area. A similar “Sequence” event occurred in 1995 with a 5.8 quake. “Geologists noted that successive earthquake sequences here tend to increase in number and magnitude; they also tend to be moving southward.

This event goes by numerous names including the Ridgecreast Earthquake Sequence of 2019 and or the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes. Geogically speaking this area is known as the Eastern California Sheer Zone. The area is split by the Garlock Fault.

Historically there have been numerous other earthquakes of this magnitude in this area before. In 1872 a 7.4 quake hit near this area. Other lessor quakes have hit in this region numerous times. This “this quake is believed to be the largest earthquake … for all of the western United States.”

Media Coverage of the Ridgecrest Earthquake on Fox 40. Coverage on CBS Los Angeles of the Episode.

Always speak with a licensed agent whenever you are considering purchasing, amending, or cancelling any earthquake insurance policy.

Additional Sources of Information include: The USGS and Wikipedia. However the Desert News article lined and sited is one of the best that we referanced multiple times.

Update 2022 July:

According to Geovera 4.6M earthquake struck on July 14th 2022 at 6:19PM and “is considered to be an aftershock of the”…2019 “Earthquake Sequence.” The location of this aftershock was 8 miles northeast of Ridgecrest, CA.