Poseidon – the God of Earthquakes
The Ancient God Poseidon is the God of Earthquakes
Poseidon is also the God of Horses and the Sea
What is the Connection between Poseidon and Earthquakes?
Poseidon is a powerful Greek God who is the God of the Sea, Horses, and Earthquakes. In our short article we will explore Poseidon and his exact connection to Earthquakes. How he got connected to them and what we believe the Greeks thought of this ill tempered God.
Poseidon Temple Discovered?
A recent article in the Jerusalem Post says that they may have located the ancient temple of Poseidon in Greece. “The remains were unearthed and are being researched by the Austrian Archaeological Institute” In the article they noted that Posedon is the God of the Sea, Horses, and of all things Earthquakes. We had not known about this God’s connection to Earthquakes. It will be interesting to see if the temple has any evidence of his connection to Earth Movement and shaking. The area in which they have found the remains are prone to tsunamis. The area is near Samikon in Greece.

About Poseidon:
Known as Neptune by the Romans, Poseidon was one of the 12 major Gods in ancient Greece. Poseidon is known best as the Greek God of the Sea. Differing accounts have him also being the God of Earthquakes, Horses [or the tamer of horses] and even Storms. Acording to Burkett Poseidon was known as an “earth Shaker.”
Because of his affiliation with the sea – Poseidon is also loosely considered the “protector of seafarers” according to Wikipedia. It is believed that Greek writers thought that Poseidon became the God of the Sea after overthrowing his father Cronus. Poseidon is often pictured holding a Trident. A trident is basically a three pointed spear. Sometimes these spears were used for fishing.
According to Aeon: “Poseidon was worshipped from at least the Late Bronze Age (c1600-1200 BCE) until the later days of the Roman Empire – a span of more than 1,500 years.”
According to Greek Gods and Goddesses Poseidon ruled over: “Sea, Earthquakes, Storms, and Horses.” In addition his symbols were: the “trident, fish, dolphin, horse, and bull.”
The Romans, who assimiliated and changed some of the Greek beliefs considered their version of Poseidon, known as Neptune, to be exclusively a God of the Sea. It is not thought that the Romans worshipped him as the God of Earthquakes.

What is the Connection between Poseidon and Earthquakes?
Poseidon is the God of Earthquakes and as to exactly why historians are left to piece together bits of information. According to wikipedia, the Greeks believed that earthquakes were caused by “the erosion of the rocks by the waters…to disappear into the earth … then to burst out again.” This at least is what Aristotle and other philosphers believed.
It was also believed that Poseidon used his trident to strike the earth and cause earthquakes directly. Hence the term Earth Shaker. Trident, Earth, Earthquake.
Britannica states that “As the god of earthquakes, Poseidon was also connected to dry land, and many of his oldest places of worship in Greece were inland, though these were sometimes centred on pools and streams or otherwise associated with water.”
Mythology Souce believes that he “could not only manifest on the water, however. The Earth-Shaker also caused earthquakes and could reduce entire cities to rubble in a matter of seconds.” Additionally: “Poseidon’s anger manifested itself in storms and rogue waves … Even further inland, he could strike his trident to cause city-levelling earthquakes and floods.“
Clearly in the world of antiquity = Poseidon controlled earthquakes. Just don’t tell the Romans.
Odd Facts about Poseidon Earthquake God:
According to the article cited above from Greek Gods and Goodnesses:
- He was worshipped as a “Fertility God.”
- Poseidon’s “name is Greek for “husband.”
- “His primary means of transportation was a chariot pulled by horses”

How Did Poseidon Become the God of Earthquakes:
Since we are dealing with an ancient god it is exceptionally unclear how Poseidon actually became the god of earthquakes. Our research could not determine exactly how he became the god of quakes. However it is pretty clear that because the Greeks associated earthquakes with the Sea/Ocean they also associated Poseidon with Earthquakes. Some of the philophers belief about errosion and the ocean certainly played a hand or connecting hand in their association with Poseidon.
One additional detail is it seems that Poseidon was considered rather ill tempered and that may have played a role in his association with earthquakes and floods. However that is conjecture on our part.

What Does Any of this Have to Do with Earthquake Insurance?
Other than Poseidon’s affiliation with being the God of Earthquakes, this article has nothing to do with earthquake insurance. But it may be a good reminder to consider this important form of needed property insurance. After all you may still be free to pray to Poseidon to protect yourself from the damage from an earthquake, but in modern times that does not seem as practicle as purchasing EQ insurance.
Poseidon Earthquake God Summation:
Poseidon was an ill tempered Greek God of numerous things – including earthquakes. The association with the Sea being responsible for earthquakes is fascinating. As the God of Earthquakes – Poseidon certainly held power over the ancient world.